Nyt om Google Me – måske

ReadWriteWeb skriver:

As we get closer to – and hear more about – the launch of Google’s upcoming social product, Google Me, the less and less it seems like a stand-alone social network and more like an interweaving of social connections into its existing offerings. It sounds eerily similar to those "social" search results that have lingered at the bottom of the results page and third-party extras like Rapportive, the Gmail add-on that gives you the social networking lowdown on your email contacts.

Nonetheless, some are saying that Google CEO Eric Schmidt acknowledged the upcoming launch of "Google Me". Really, it looks like he acknowledged the coming of "layers", not the stand-alone, Facebook-killing social network we’ve all discussed.

Google has essentially broadcast – and stayed true – to this party line all along. When it bought Slide in early August, word was that the acquisition would be a "tremendous opportunity for the two companies to come together to change the way people socialize on the Web", according to a statement on the Slide website. Google itself said that "we’ve already built strong social elements into products like Gmail, Docs, Blogger, Picasa and YouTube" and that the joining of the Slide team would mean Google would be "investing even more to make Google services socially aware and expand these capabilities for our users across the web".

Kilde: Mike Melanson @ ReadWriteWeb

Det lyder mere og mere som om Google Me bliver en social aggregator i samme stil som blandt andet Windows Live. Det er måske en lille smule skuffende, at Google ikke tager skridtet fuldt ud og konkurrer med Facebook, men på den anden side kan man jo spørge sig selvom verden i virkeligheden har brug for endnu et socialt netværk? Verden har måske heller ikke brug endnu endnu en social aggregator, sammenligner man Googles profil håndtering i forhold til Yahoo og Microsoft, så ser det ud som de halter noget bagefter i forhold til integration til diverse sociale netværk. Google Buzz er imidlertid et skridt på vejen, selvom det er implementeret på en ret irriterende måde efter min mening.


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Google Buzz and Outlook 2010 Social Connector: Competitors or partners?

Since the launch of Google Buzz last Tuesday, we’ve been hearing more analyses from professionals and bloggers warning of a possible showdown of sorts between Google and Microsoft in the social space. Buzz is Google’s social connection with its Gmail; but Microsoft already announced last year its own social connection with its mail platform: the forthcoming Social Connector plug-in for Outlook 2010, due for release with the rest of Microsoft Office 2010 this June. The latest release candidate for Office 2010 was distributed to private testers earlier this month.

Social Connector promises to transform Outlook 2010 into a live network teeming with contacts who share not just e-mail, but chats and texts through Windows Live and documents through SharePoint. Messages received from a "live" contact will be adorned with that person’s availability, location, and a record of recent activities. Though LinkedIn has already signed on as Microsoft’s first third-party partner, connectivity with Facebook — probably distributed by Facebook, not Microsoft — appears likely. So much of the same kind of functionality folks are seeing with Buzz, will likely appear in Outlook as well, although slanted more toward professional tasks rather than personal friends and acquaintances.

A snippet from the activities list that appears beside a contact or a contact's e-mail message, in Outlook 2010 with Social Connector attached.  [Courtesy Microsoft]

Kilde: Scott M. Fulton, IIIBetanews

Outlook Social Connector har været kendt i et stykke tid, men efter vores venner fra Gooogle har sendt Buzz på markedet, ser det ud som sociale opdateringer baseret på mail funtionalitet hår fået endnu 15 minutters berømmelse.

Som jeg skrev tidligere, så har Windows Live haft denne funktionalitet i et stykke tid, men nu hvor både Outlook og Gmail hopper på vognen ser det ud til at have nået en eller anden kritidk masse i den allestednærværende IT presse.

Persnæigt ved jeg ikke helt om denne funktionalitet vil gøre mig mere effektiv på mit arbejde. Når jeg bruger Exchange, så er det for at sende/modtage mails, mødeaktivitet eller noter. Jeg er ret ligeglad med om en partner eller end kunde har opdateret Facebook eller Twitter. I virkeligheden tror jeg at det ville ende med t jeg bare spildte en pokkers mase tid på kigge på satus opdateringer. 90% af de ting, der kommer fra Google har til hensigt at få os til at spilde mere tid på netttet, men det undrer mig at Microsoft begynder på det pjat, og så i Outlook.

Der er imidlertid ingen tvivl om at jeg synes det er god ide, men jeg vil aldrig bruge Buzz og Outlook Social til andet end privat brug. Er jeg iøvrigt den eneste der synes at det ovenstående screendump ser ret Mac-agtigt ud?


Google Buzz

Google Buzz is the newest Google product that exists. It can easily be summed up by saying it’s the same as Twitter — but integrated with your Gmail inbox, and a couple extra built-in features that you can see in this video.

The question isn’t whether Google’s feature is good or not, but rather if it’s going to take off quickly? Twitter has become pretty much the status quo as far as real-time updates go. Even if it’s connected to Gmail and is pre-populated with your friends out of the box, it’s not going to be easy for Google to compete with Twitter.

Kilde: Garett Rogers @ ZDnet

hot-red-google-logo Google er netop begyndt at rulle sin sociale service Buzz ud til Gmail brugere. I bund og grund er Buzz en aggregator, som samler ens kontaktpersoners sociale strems i Gmail. Denne type integration imellem webmail og sociale services er allerede set i Windows Live, som introducerede en lignende service i forbindelse med Wave 3.

Jeg er ikke den store Gmail bruger længere, men en af de ting jeg godt kunne lide ved Gmail var, at den ikke var integreret med en masse services. Den rene mail komponent var efter min mening en af de gode ting ved Gmail, men det er ved at være slut nu.

Jeg har ikke selv fået adgang til Buzz, så jeg ved ikke om det bliver en rodet affære, men umiddelbart ser servicen relativt interessant ud. Jeg tvivler dog lidt på at jeg vender tilbage til Gmail for alvor.



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