Schwarzenegger; sponsored by Google.

Google har indledt et samarbejde med den californiske guvernør Arnold Schwarzenegger for at gøre det lettere for statens borgere at finde offentlige informationer. Source: EPN Et af mine yndlings emner i disse dage er Google. Folkene i Mountain View giver hele tiden Microsoft baghjul i en sådan grad, at man begynder at overveje om Microsoft i det hele taget vil være værd at nævne om få år. Det er de jo nok, men det skal ikke holde mig tilbage for at blogge lidt om Google. Det er egentligt ret interessant at se hvordan Google tilbyder Californien sine services gratis. Det...

Google & Netscape partnership?

Here we go again. While I was writing my MSN post the other day, I actually started thinking about what would happen if Google wound up winning the bid for AOL. As you know, gentle reader, I have an affinity for Netscape, which unfortunately is owned by AOL. Now, what if Google wound up with Netscape. Not only would they get a recognized browser name, albeit one that needs revitalization, but none the less, they would have a brand to work with. Having a Netscape division would permit Google to seperate its activities so that they won’t loose focus on...