Rethinking home computing

For a while now, I have been looking to buy a new laptop for home use. I am currently using a desktop PC from 2008 running Windows 8.1, which works remarkably well. Now, I always thought that this desktop would be the last big machine I would ever buy, however, having thought long and hard about my computing needs, I am not sure it makes sense for me to get laptop. I never bring a laptop anywhere, unless for work purposes. My Lenovo T430 is hooked up to my company’s environments, so it is not really an option to use...

Næring til min Mac fetisch

Min Mac fetisch har endnu engang fået ny næring. En fetisch jeg iøvrigt deler med min søster. Ikke nok med at jeg altid skal forbi Eblehuset for at kigge på laptops, telefoner og MP3 afspillere, nu skal jeg også til at savle over den nye 27” Apple Cinema Display. E Jeg kunne virkelig godt forestille mig at have en 13” Macbook Pro med SSD og 8 gb ram stående ved siden af en Apple monitor på mit kontor. desværre tillader budgettet ikke på nuværende tidspunkt  en sådan investering, men det i hvert fald ikke udelukkes, at der en dag kommer...

Speaking of Notebooks

As per my rant from yesterday, I just wanted to share these pictures with you guys. They show a new Asus notebook with the Sideshow panel, which allows you to access certain features from your operating system even though it is closed. Pretty nifty.

Windows Vista and the future of Hardware

I just read this article over at Extreme Tech, dealing with the impact Windows Vista has on hardware vendors. Hopefully hardware companies will take a page out of the Apple playbook and increase their design effort. Now, you can say A LOT of bad things about Apple, but they know how to design really nice looking computers. Personally, I would rather not switch to a Mac, but admittedly, the design parameter makes it mighty tempting sometimes.   That being said, I find it mildly amusing how Apple is so focused on Windows Vista, considering the competitive environment. Apparently, they cannot...