Hotmail invitation

Yesterday I didn’t get my invitation tp participate in the beta testing of the new Hotmail interface. The reason being that I am a Plus customer and therefore have access to additional features. Unfortunately there is a bug in the system, so until that is fixed I am not in the beta program.
On a totally different note, I went shopping with the family today, and my wife and daugter went to look for make up. Being the manly man that I am, I found it impossible to stand in the make up section whilr maintaing just a tiny bit of masculine dignity. I promptly moved out of the section and into what turned out to be the jewellry section, which did little to boost my sense of manhood. As the sweat started to break out on my forehead I started looking around to find a section in the grocery store which compliments my masculinity. Catfood and dairy was nearby, but that wasn’t a option. I am very allergic to cats, and diet yoghurt and I just don’t get a long. Luckily, next to the dairy section I see a whole self unit, displaying TACOS  What is more manly than Tacos i ask you? So there I am standing next to the tacos feeling manly, despite holding my wife’s shopping bag. So what is the point you might ask – damn, I don’t know. I guess I was trying to share a “deep” existential ……errr……experience.
Anyway, as you can tell, gentle reader, I have too much free time on my hands, and I need to get back to work.

Windows Live Hotmail opdateret

Så er der godt nyt til alle dem, der bruger Hotmail. Teamet bag Windows Live Hotmail har meddelt at de påbegynder udrulningen af M10 (milestone 10) i løbet af få timer. Jeg ved ikke hvilke bays de begynder med, men min bay, som er 117, plejer at blive opdateret ret hurtigt efter opdateringerne bliver offentliggjort. Jeg har bøffet et screenshot fra Mail teamets blog, hvor man kan se at M10 er begyndt at ligne Outlook endnu mere, hvilket efter min ydmyge mening er helt fænomenalt. Jeg satser på at blive opgraderet i løbet af et par dage, hvorefter jeg skriver lidt mere om hvad jeg synes om M10, samt uploade nogle bedre screenshots.

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Windows Live Hotmail opdateret til Milestone 10

Selvom jeg tildligere her på bloggen har skrevet at Hotmail nu er opgraderet til M10, så er det først nu den er rullet ud på bay 117. Jeg har ikke rodet så meget med den endnu, men som man kan se minder interfacet meget om Outlook/Exchange web access. Det er efter min ydmyge mening den bedste webmail service der findes, så lige nu overvejer jeg om jeg egentlig overhovedet vil installere en mail klient næste gang. Omvendt er jeg jo ualmindeligt glad for at kunne læse mine blogs igennem Windows Live Mail desktop, så mon ikke jeg downloader den igen.EDIT: Jeg lagde lige mærke til at min storage nu er på 4 gb – nice