Twitter køber Tweetie

In an unsurprising move, Twitter has acquired atebits and their excellent client for iPhone (Tweetie) will become Twitter for iPhone. With that renaming, does Twitter close the door to Tweetie continuing on OSX, let alone appearing at some point in the future on & Windows Phone 7? I could understand to some extend Twitter choosing not to invest in desktop OS’es but it’d be a shame to see their official Twitter client restricted only to iPhone. Sure it has the lions share of the Smartphone market and there are other clients on Windows Phone and Blackberry but will having the...

Tweetie: Liret Twitter klient til Mac

Jeg er altid på jagt efter den perfekte Twitter klient, og i min evige søgen fandt jeg på YouTube en ældre video med Tweetie. Man kan sige meget om Mac, men der er altså nogle ret fede applikationer til den platform. Det eneste der ligeså liret til PC er vel Blu fra Thirteen23.     Technorati Tags: Twitter,Tweetie