White labeling my blog

I have finally abadonned the WordPress theme I ahve been using for many years. I have replaced it with Syntax, which is a nice white and minimalistic theme. I am doing to this because I am unsure of what to do with this blog since it is a waste of money to maintain the hosting if I don’t use it. Having a white theme is like having a clean canvas. I hope I will find some inspiration and come up with something clever.

WordPress for Windows Phone

After resetting my phone I was unable to install WordPress as the app didn’t show up in the store. Apparently Automattic decided to discontinue windows phone support and therefore pulled the app. I did a search and stumbled across a link to the store allowing me to install. Perhaps it’s only in Denmark the app is inaccessible. Anyway, here’s the link Enjoy

Langsom blog

Siden jeg installerede WordPress på mit domæne, har jeg kæmpet med at få den til at lode hurtigere. Der har været flere gange hvor bloggen får time out, eller bare er længe om at loade. Jeg har prøvet at deaktivere plug ins, ændre tema og ændre i database forbindelsen, men intet har virket. Det viser sig imidlertid at det slet ikke er mig dener gal med, men derimod en Switch ude hos One.com. Her er den mail jeg netop har modtaget. Driftsinformation – One.com Vi har desværre igennem de sidste par uger haft ustabilitet på vores netværk, kulminerende i dagene...