Damn you Android

I have been rocking my Nexus 5X for a couple of months now, and so far I have been pretty satisfied with the experience overall. However, I have run into a new a very annoying problem. The damn thing freezes on my at least once a day. Now I know that we are not talking about a high end phone, but I don’t think it’s too much to ask that the damn phone is actually running. In all honesty I a doubly disappointed, since I am running stock Android, which is supposedly the greatest experience Google has to offer. I...

Pixel rumors heat up

http://www.androidpolice.com/2016/10/02/pixel-phone-listings-at-carphone-warehouse-offering-new-shots-more-info/ There’s not a ton of new stuff in this apparent error, but I did notice one thing. SD card support. Android Police seems to think that is not necessarily true, but I for one would really, really like that. So far the Pixel XL looks pretty appealing, but let’s see what Google has to say tomorrow.

Adventures with Android part 2

I have been using my Nexus 5X for around two months now, and even though I swore I would not blog about it I feel compelled to do just that. So far it the experience has been pretty good. I am really enjoying the plethora of apps. Although I never considered myself an “app person” there seems to be some apps like HBONordic that I am using a lot more than I would have imagined. However, it seems to me that the phone is starting to slow down, which is way too early for that to happen. I think more...

Getting help with my Nexus

I reached out to Google on Twitter to get some assistance with the charging issues I experienced with my Nexus 5x. They actually got back to me pretty quickly and even though it didn’t help they still deserve a hat tip. https://twitter.com/googlenexus/status/736542074510643200

Adventures with Android

I have finally left Windows Mobile. It took a little while but eventually I started to feel a little left out because of the app gap and because of the limited develoment put into the OS. I chose Android because it came highly recommended and because I am not too comfortable investing my pension saving in Apple products. They are nice and all, but I don’t want to be tied down to one platform and I don’t want devices that are so expensive I am afraid to use them. Moving to Android has been an experience alright. I have had...

My new Nexus 5X won’t charge

So, I finally got my Nexus 5X on Friday. Being a happy camper I get started right away and everything looks and works great. Battery is at 74% so I plug in that bad boy using the USB-C cable in the box. In no time the battery goes to 82% and the phone even displays a little notification about rapid charging. Great. Then Google tells me there’s a software update to Android 6.0.1. I happily accept and the phones updates. Great, I am now running the latest and greates Android has to offer. Imagine my surpise though when I realize...

Google Bank?

Google won’t launch a traditional bank because of the associated costs and regulation, but these hurdles won’t stop the firm from redefining the future of financial services, according to a new Forrester report. The report, written by Forrester analyst Oliwia Berdak, postulates that Google will likely become a financial services hub that facilitates the relationship between the consumers and providers of financial services, causing disruption in four areas: payments, money management, product comparisons, and financial advice. “Google’s reputation as one of the most disruptive firms in the market, have left many digital financial services executives worried about a potential new...