Waiting for boot.wim
Any minute now.
Update 1: It looks like a lot of people are having the same issue. Try to search Twitter and you’ll see. My guess is that I have not yet been authorized to install, so therefore we wait a little while longer. My daughter seems a little impatient though.
Update 2: Yeah, so I decided that the boot.wim issue would not get resolved anytime soon, I went with the ISO option for installing Windows 10 on my daughter’s PC. Now her machine has more or less imploded, so it will be a while before this thing will ever be up and running. Words like Macbook and Apple have been uttered.
Update 3: So, I managed to get Windows on my daughter’s PC without any major problems. Of course we had to go through a long process of creating a bootable CD, since her Asus could not boot from from the USB flash drive, luckily I have an old laptop that could handle that for us.
The installation and activation went fine, but when we tried to restart the machine we experienced nothing but a black screen, sometimes interrupted by a blinking mouse pointer. I have now reinstalled the whole thing again and I am in the process of running Windows update. We didn’t let Windows update finish before restarting, so now we will try that and see if it works. It seems to take a very long time to get all the updates, but today we will exercise a lot of patience.
Update 4: OK, so patience didn’t work. It looks like windows 10 bricked my daughter’s laptop. I have one or two things I can try before returning to Windows 7. As for my own laptop, I was able to install (and restart) without any problems. I had to get som edrivers and there are some minor annoyances, but nothing I can’t live with. However, SR 1 seems to have messed something up. Windows can’t connect to the group service now. Mail doesn’t work, Edge doesn’t work and it takes almost 10 minutes for the computer to shut down.
At this point I am almost ready to throw in the towel. After all the issues with Lumia 930 I am not in the mood to deal with the two laptops. Anyway, time to take a deep breath, drink some coffee and deal with it.
Update 5: I have given up for now. I have installed Windows 10 about 5 times on my daughter’s computer and it won’t boot after updating. Back to Windows 7 for her, for now at least.
Netflix error W8156-C00D717F on Windows 8.1
File this one under “Works on my machine”.
Some week ago my old Zune software stopped working as did the Netflix app on Windows 8.1. A quick search suggested that I upgrade either Windows or my graphics driver. Now, I always keep Windows updated so that led me to believe that the driver was the issue. And so it was. Turned out my driver update was broken for some reason, and that the Nvidia app was unable to update the driver.
A quick download and a longer install process has solved the problems, so if you run into this error message reinstall the driver. It works on my machine.
Trying Windows 8
When the Consumer preview of Windows 8 launched I wasted little time downloading and installing the bits on a spare partition. I admit that I did not have the stones a to jump in with both legs, so I still retain a Windows 7 installation no my primary hard disk.
The installation process was very smooth, and all my peripheral devices work without any problems. That includes a scanner and a Windows phone as well as a LifeCam, so no complaints there. I didn’t expect any problems either, and it is not really the most exciting feature of the new Windows OS.
For me, the Metro UI was the most interesting, mainly because I am a huge fan of the Bauhaus inspired UI that is used on Windows Phone. However, I must admit that I am having some difficulties getting used to it on a conventional mouse and keyboard set up. Although it is a lot of fun to use the Metro UI on Windows 8, I am not sure I will be using it a lot once I upgrade fully. I tend to have a whole bunch of apps open at the same time, and Metro does not really support my personal usage scenario. However, I am really looking forward to getting my filthy hands on a Windows tablet, since this UI is perfect for touch – no doubt about that. I think the tablet experience will be really good not only because the UI is fast and fluid, but also because it ties in very nicely with the web services that I use. Considering the technologies used to create the Metro UI I am wondering if Windows 9 will be some sort of shell that will tie all our web services together. Windows 8 does this really well already. There is a seamless integration with Skydrive, Flickr and Facebook to name a few, so all in all the future looks really exciting. Much more exciting that what Apple is doing these days at least.
Hopefully there will be a Nokia tablet, that can compete with the iPad; rumors are certainly plenty around the interwebs.
Så fik jeg endelig Windows Vista
Fordelen ved at arbejde i en IT virksomhed er, at man har en masse licenser til det nyeste Microsoft software samt at man kan risikere at falde over en laptop, som alle havde glemt alt om. Jeg har været så heldig at falde over en laptop, som rent faktisk kan køre Vista med Aero og hele dynen. Min Vista score er godt nok kun 2.0, men det er nok til at jeg kan bruge alle de nye features.
Samtidig er dette min første blog post med den nyeste udgave af Windows Live Writer, så et eller andet sted er der meget at glæde sig over. Der er lidt stress på i øjeblikket, så jeg har desværre ikke tid til at teste Writer så meget som jeg gerne ville, men da jeg blogger både her og ovre på min corporate blog burde der være rig mulighed for at få afprøvet den.
Mht. Vista, så er der umiddelbart ikke så meget at sige om det. Det er stadig Windows på godt og ondt, men Aero er efter min mening helt klart med til at gøre det meget mere behageligt at arbejde en hel dag for computeren. Faktisk er jeg så begejstret for det, at jeg tror jeg vil fremskynde mine planer om at købe mig en ny PC.
Technorati Tags: Windows, Vista