Facebook payments coming?

Gizmodo has a really interesting article about an alleged Facebook payment functionality, which might see the light of day soon. Working in the financial sector, og coure makes this a very interesting thing to me, since payments are a an area where the competition is heating up quite dramatically these days. Danske Bank is doing a bang up job with their MobilePay solution, and the other banks (well, most of them) are trying to get the Swipp application to take off for real. Considering eBay has spun off PayPal in order to maximize the market potential, does indeed set the...

Tools of the trade

Scott Hanselman is nothing short of a blogging god. Seriously, he is. Scott has a really good good post about the ultimate developer tools, which he updates around this time every year. Since I am not a developer, this list is of limited interest to me, at least in a work context. However, during Christmas dinner I started talking with my sister’s boyfriend about software development processes, he’s working on getting his start up off the ground, and I thought of the ultimate developer tools list. So, in stead of emailing a long list of links, I thought it might...

Danish banks build private cloud

In Danish. Samtlige danske banker, bortset fra giganterne Danske Bank og Nordea, får nu samme cloud-platform til it-drift. Det bliver JN Data, som skal drive bankskyen. Det dur ikke for en dansk bank at sende it-driften til Amazons sky – selvom det ville kunne spare mange penge. I stedet har stort set alle danske banker nu valgt at gå sammen om en fælles cloud-tjeneste, der kan fungere på samme måde, men hvor bankerne altid ved præcist, hvor deres data befinder sig i verden. Alle andre banker end Nordea og Danske Bank – som begge har IBM som driftsleverandør – får...

The perfect job

I have been saving this picture for many years, but for some reason I have never included it in a blog post. These past couple of week I have been thinking a lot about the nature of work, and what really makes me tick in a professional context, and this is where I think this illustration fits pretty well. The real question, I guess, is which company offer you the option to have you dream job, or at least come as close to the dream job as possible. As far as I am concerned that company does not really exist...

Loneliness of the long distance traveller

I returned from a week long trip to Manila two weeks ago. While it was not my first business trip, it was by far the longest. In fact, it was the trip I have ever taken in my life. Granted, the trip was fairly comfortable, even for a guy with my long legs, however, it was also a very educational trip in so many way I have lost count. Normally I go to Sweden or Norway to talk to customers, but this time I went to meet my development team, who I only know from communicator chats and Skype calls....

Does work really have to suck?

Before I get going on my rant here, let me just point out that I am not bashing anybody here, not even my own employer. And if I am bashing anyone, it is “the man” who in this case is synonymous with big faceless corporations here everything is systemized and all actions are controlled by over-zealous managers and time sheet keepers. So anyway, I was reading this article on my iPad earlier, which talked about why people in Seattle all of a sudden wanted to work for Amazon again. Amazon has been a cornerstone in Seattle for more than 15...