My trustry PC kicked the bucket last night, and unless I can perform some kind of miracle, it will stay dead. This means that I am currently without a personal computer, a thing that has not happened since 1994. I have been looking at Windows PCs and there’s not really anything that interests me, which surprises. Even the Macs don’t seem to hold any real appeal at this point, so I might just go ahead and not buy a new any time soon. Might actually be a pretty interesting experiment to be without a computer and only rely on my...
For a while now, I have been looking to buy a new laptop for home use. I am currently using a desktop PC from 2008 running Windows 8.1, which works remarkably well. Now, I always thought that this desktop would be the last big machine I would ever buy, however, having thought long and hard about my computing needs, I am not sure it makes sense for me to get laptop. I never bring a laptop anywhere, unless for work purposes. My Lenovo T430 is hooked up to my company’s environments, so it is not really an option to use...
They can be pretty difficult to change. Normally, when we digitize processes, we only touch a subset of the overall number of interrelated processes. Project constraints, such as time and resources, tend to limit our view insofar as we try to limit the scope of the development task as much as possible. However, as interrelated processes may either receive data from our process, or feed our process with data, we will inherently run the risk of breaking larger, more complex processes when we make smaller changes. It seems to be a condition we have to deal with when running development...
Oh the horror! I am losing my home office. Well, maybe not horror, but as the wife and I are expecting baby #3 it is time for me to get out of the office, and let the oldest kid have it. I spent a lot of time and energy redoing that room after we bought the house, and I managed to make it into a really nice little work space with a big elevation table, back light, 27″ monitor and a fairly decent chair. I currently use a desktop computer that I bought back in the Vista days. I have...
I have updated the blog theme, but since I am nowhere near finished tweaking it, it might look pretty darn weird.
I ran my blog through Wordle the other to get an idea about the words I use on my blog. I must admit, it looks really boring. I need to spiff it up a bit it seems.
So, I am looking through some of my more recent blog posts, and I realize that I absolutely hate 95% of my own posts. Note only have for about a year been one of those guys who write about the latest gadgets, but I have been uncritically regurgitating what the media has written. Added to that indignity, I have been blogging in Danish. Sure, I am Danish, and it makes sense, on some level, to be writing in Danish, however, I have essentially been limited myself from having interesting conversations with people who do not speak Danish. And believe me,...
I dag er sidste dag inden hverdagen begynder igen. Efter tre ugers tiltrængt ferie, er det nu tid til at vende tilbage til arbejdet og alle de opgaver, der ligger og venter på mig der. Normalt er jeg ikke sønderligt motiveret for at vende tilbage efter ferien, men I år er dte en smule anderledes. Misforstå mig ikke, jeg ville da gerne have endnu tre ugers ferie, men da vi står overfor en række spændende ting på arbejdet, er der noget at se frem til. Selvfølgelig kan jeg ikke skrive så meget om hvad der kommer til at ske I...
Da jeg i sin tid startede denne her blog havde jeg en ambition om at opdatere den regelmæssigt, og gerne med indhold som var mere end ukritiske gengivelse af allerede publiceret indhold. Det kom så ikke til at ske. Jeg ville gerne have blogget mere om mit arbejde, men det er desværre ikke en mulighed, i hvert ikke på nuværende tidspunkt. Hvor om alting er, så har jeg støvet lidt på bloggen og fjernet nogle af de mere overflødige ting I håbet om at jeg kan få lidt mere gang I skriveriet. Hedigvis er Tour de France næsten overstået,...